I'm IN, well sort of. I have all the furniture in the house, and some boxes to be unpacked and some are emptied. But there are still a lot of boxes in the garage to find the bottom of.
It is so nice to be in a place to call home, and be settled (hopefully) for the rest of my life.
Now, I'm anxious to get everything put away and straight so I can play. But have a feeling I'll start playing a little before it is all done.
This fall I will have a nice fall garden, turnips, various greens (mustard, kale, collards), beets, onions, cauliflower, squash (yellow crook neck and zucchini) and broccoli. I hope by then to have a small freezer so I can put some away for the months to come. I have a small pressure canner and for things that don't freeze well like beets can put them up in the canner. I enjoy doing this and look forward to have the harvest from spring and fall gardens. There are several fig bushes in the yard so will be making some preserves. There are also, several pecan trees.
At the moment I'm so very glad the previous landlady kept pushing move-in date. But to think I could have been in here right after the fire and never had to put things in storage, is a bit of a disapointment. But I didn't look for another place, until she put ceramic tile in the living room and dining room. Even with that I was going to try to cover it with rugs and work around it, but the constant promised move-in dates that came and went were the last straw.
Now to only get things more organized where they are handy when I get ready to work with them. Now I can concentrate on getting quilts made for my family. I did find the Charity CQ blocks from my group that I thought had been stolen in a break-in I had several years ago. When I found them I wanted to scream with joy but afraid the neighbor would call 911, I just said thank you.
I'll shortly post photos of the house and the CQ blocks.