Saturday, June 28, 2008

Computer Broke

I have a laptop that I've been using for a little over a year. I use it a lot and the case is made of plastic. Which I didn't know when I got it. Seems opening it up so much the housing to the mechanism that opens the lid broke, I used it any way and now the monitor will not work. I'll be without it for a few days. So posts will be limited. I can make them from my granddaughter's computer but the scanner isn't connected to it.

I'm not sure cost of repair would be economical but will check. I'm inclined to get another that isn't made of plastic if that is possible. Seems everything today is either plastic or made in China.

Will hook up a regular computer monitor to my laptop soon and be back in business with it until I decide about it's replacement. I really want one that will take the constant use I give one. But then maybe in August when I move into my new home the one I hope to stay in until they take me out feet first, I will have my desk top and the laptop won't be used so much.

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