Sunday, July 6, 2008

Good Morning

I haven't posted in awhile, life has been busy and I was a wee bit under the weather. Had a couple of sinus infections. First one took a couple of weeks to get over the last one wasn't so bad.

Anyway I'm fit and fine again. Yesterday the mailman delivered several new BOM blocks for about 6 quilts. That stack is growing.

I have the crown pattern to finish the birthday dress block for Madison's paperdoll dress quilt. I have the material to make the dress made from a pillow case, and most of the material for the other dresses of hers I have photos of. Need to get the material for the watermelon applique on the one, and pony beads to make the cherries on the other.

I've reserved a duplex to move to in September. Nice large 4 bedroom, 2 full baths, large living, dining and kitchen with breakfast area, utility and lots of closets. It is same rent as I've been paying for 2 bedroom much much smaller. I'm excited. I feel I was lucky to find it and it be vacant when I needed it.

It will be so nice to have a room to arrange for my quilting/needlework project and stash. Set up my sewing machine and serger, work on a project and when I want to stop leave it, close the door and it will be just as I left it when I'm ready to work on it again.

It will also be nice to have room for family to sleep when they come to visit. Haven't had that in quite awhile. Plenty of closets to store things, and with a room for all my quilting/needlework stash can get organized where I can see and find what I have. Once I do I'm sure I'll find lots of duplicate fabric and tools.

Plenty of room for family gatherings, something I treasure and really enjoy. Nothing to me is more fun than spending half the night cooking for a family gathering the next day.

I've been gypsy by choice for a few years. Probably wasted quite a bit of $$ moving but did what I wanted to, went where I wanted, when I wanted to. Now that is out of my system time to get in a place and park myself for years to come. I thought about buying but then I'd have to worry about repairs if something broke, couldn't pay for it in the lifetime I have left. So decided renting was a better way for me to go.

Well I'm off to play with my new BOM kits that arrived yesterday. Putting them with the BOMs that came before. Need to go shopping tomorrow and buy some Steam A-Seam or some Misty ?? fusible and get the patterns traced. Have plenty of Freezer paper for those that will use that method. Have 3 mailings coming of building material print and rocks for the Bonnet Girls. Seems when you collect your own fabric for these blocks, you are always short of something. Hopefully with my shopping notebook of swatches of material I have and selected for each block, I will be able to get everything to finish at least one.

Have a great rest of the weekend.

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