Tuesday, September 23, 2008

CQ Ring Bearer's Pillow

Today was a very good day, I did accomplish a lot. I have almost all the patches attached to the pillow top. The seam treatment is done as patches are attached. The patches are sewn to a backing of muslin by hand. Then the seams are covered with a flat narrow lace or various styles of gimp. The colors are whte, off-whte and cream.

Today I also played with arranging some appliques I removed form other wedding dresses obtained for fabric and applques and some of the flowers I found on EBay. Took some of the very small ones to use as a seam treatment and then scattered the others in groups. I am really liking the way this is turning out. I had to take a photo so I can duplicate the placement, (which is hard to see due to the color), but will need to enlarge to see detail. White reflected to much light and so the photos are so good, tried to scan and that was as bad.

Once I get good photo will post.

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