Friday, September 4, 2009

Morning Glory Block

I'm in the process of designing a center block with morning glories (appliqued) to center a small quilt. It originally was to be used in a round robin - not sure that will happen. Original rules were a group would be assigned of 6 people. #1 makes a square (14-16" appliqued, pieced etc) and send to #2 on list. That person through #6 would add a border (appliqued or pieced from 5"-9" wide). I thought 5 borders of this size on a 14 or 16" center block would be to many. Even though the borders are all pieced or appliqued or in some other way much more than a piece of plain fabric I think they would overwhelm the block. So there has been some discussion and not sure of current status.

Either way decided I liked my idea for my square and even if the round robin doesn't work out, will make it and add borders of my own choosing. I have a small table in my living room that I'm using for a game table for games and/or zig saw puzzles. In between I plan to keep a table cloth on it that somewhat hides the legs (as I don't like them for that room) and top with a small quilt. Somewhere when I have the fabric (find it or buy) and work into my growing list of projects plan to make a tablecloth in the shape of a plus sign. Center a square the size of table top, and then sides long enough to touch the floor (or nearly) and that will hang straight and meet at the corners.

I am leaning as time allows (or I move in ahead of something else) to make several themed little quilts for using there. I'm thinking the following themes, winter, spring, autum, summer, valentine's day, 4th of July, easter, halloween, thanksgiving, christmas and the list goes on and on and on. Where or where are some little elves that I can brainwash into my way of doing and thinking that can help. LMAO.

Found one of the several rolls of freezer paper I've ended up with over the past several years. Many times because when I put things in storage it went to thinking I wouldn't need it. Then decided to do a project needed some and bought another roll. So now I have enough surely to last the rest of my life. I got my morning glory pattern traced on it last night, now today make some extra blooms, leaves and cut out, iron to fabric, cut out and start assembling my block.

Worked in the yard yesterday. Watered all the front, including some slow soaking of the 4 oak trees that were planted when this house was remodeled. Planted 2 hydrangeas (red), cape jasemine, 10-15 lilly of the valley (didn't count), oleander (red) and have still a clumping bamboo and a mandevilla (pink) to plant. Kow where I'm going to put the bamboo - near my bedroom window between me and my neighbor. Don't know about the mandevilla but I'm leaning towards getting a pot so I can bring in just in case we have an unusal winter and it gets to cold.

Have many more plants to buy and plant to get this yard where it looks nice. But a project I enjoy.

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