Wednesday, January 6, 2010

new Quilt Porjects

With the start of 2010 I finally have my house where I can devote some time to sewing. Jan 2nd and 3rd I made 36 9 patch blocks using 4" blocks. I chose 6 colors (pink, yellow, blue, green, purple and red). The 9 squares are all a different print in each block and most have 5 darker and 4 lighter squares - you are right I goofed, 3 blocks ended up with 4 dark and 5 light squares.
I plan to add a border (width is to be determined) of white or navy to each block with mitered corners, then assemble. Not sure I have a piece of fabric large enough to make all the borders the same - so this quilt may be a work in progress until I can go shopping.

On the 5th I took all the miscellaneous 4" blocks I had put them in a new clean trash basket and stirred them up. Then using an assembly line method, sewed them in groups of 2, then 4, then in rows of 21, then sewed the rows together. I have 11 rows and I'm out of those squares. That quilt is on hold until I get more squares and they are on the way shortly.

Of the 4" Squares I had I pulled the ones that had squares of the same fabric and will work on a trip around the world quilt today. Not sure I have enough for the full top, but will get a start.

The past several months I have been involved in a Round Robin which has been interesting to say the least. There are 3 groups of 5 ladies. I am in two of the groups. I had volunteered to do two blocks in the event the hostess didn't have enough to fill all the groups. Each lady in the group makes a block (we had size guidelines - that few followed). Once our block is finished we mail to the person below us on the list. She adds a border (pieced, appliqued etc) and mails to the person below her on the list. After the last 4th border is added it has completed it journey and is retuned to person that made the block.

At first I was at a loss as to how these borders would look, what I would add etc. But once I it all got started and I began to receive the many beautiful small quilts it was not difficult to decide what to add.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Wow, sounds like you have been BUSY! Keep it going.
