This is a pattern I've decided to make the 4 sane pieced quilts for my children from. At present I have selected 3 of them to be of 3 colors and the fourth each large square to be of a different fabric (print or tone on tone) in the same color family. In each the Ohio stars forming the corner squares will be of same fabric as will all the sashing.
Her colors are pink and orange - colors of the sunset. I have a variety of silk and satin in white/off whites and will make a crazy quilt patch top embellishing with white bits of laces and trims and embroider with Brazilain Dimension Embroidery in her colors. I have pink, orange and white - with hints of gold braid trim for the edge of the pillow.
My second Weaver Fever quilt kit arrived from a shop in Canada yesterday. The two kits are of the same fabric and will go to two great granddaughters, I now have all the fabric or kits for my 6 great grandchildren's quilts. Once I get moved in my own place and get my sewing room set up will be able to get them cut out and start sewing them together. I think this will be a nice break from the hand applique needle-turn and/or the fusible machine applique process. I also think having a place to leave projects where I stop and return to them and just pick back up will allow me to finish much more. At the moment I take them out (getting them ready to sew on - takes some time), then when I stop sewing I need to put away (putting them away takes some time). When having my sewing room I can use that preparation and putting away time for sewing or something else, as it is now I consider it wasted time.
I have almost all the kits for the art quilts for my children and grandchildren I can find to purchase in BOM kit form. There are several I'll probably have to use my fabric stash and add to it to make them. I have the three peacemaker's calendar quilts of churchs, lighthouses and trains and think those won't be to hard to assemble from my stash. The "From out of the Darkness" new calendar quilt is mostly blacks, whites, greys and some red, and I have assembled a lot of fat quarters in those colors. I am going to try and make a similar quilt using autumn colors and appliqued small horses or horse heads for another granddaughter.
I have other patterns from Peacemaker's calendar quilts that are on the back burner to make for me someday, if I should be lucky and live long enough to finish what I have laid out for myself to do.
I finally have the border fabric in my possession to finish my Vintage Valentine quilt - now to finish the applique on the blocks. I have half of the smaller blocks appliqued, then there is the large center block. I was so extremely disappointed when I thought I couldn't get the same border fabric as the sample. To me that fabric framed the quilt top and made it special, more so then other's I'd seen done. There is another stripe in the fabric that I have another use for already - so it will not go to waste. But then no fabric ever goes to waste in a quilter's house, does it ?
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