Saturday, September 26, 2009

Round Robin Blocks Done (Almost)

The last couple of days have been good. I finished (almost) the first of two round robin blocks. I had chosen a Valentine's day theme and used identical red/white fabric, with design reversed. I then cut out free hand some red and white hearts and machine appliqued to a 9 patch. Thinking I had a lace heart to put in the center - well I havent found it. So ordered a new one, and will add to my block once it makes it rounds and comes back home. This block is my first attempt at machine applique. I did an overcast on the white hearts and a satin stitch on the red. The satin was maybe to tight as it made the center of the block pucker a tiny bit. Need to practice more but didn't take it out since I'm putting the lace heart over the center and maybe a cupid. The heart for sure and will try the cupid and see how it looks.

The second block is for 4th of July theme. There are 5 ladies in each group. We each make a block (square or rectangle) about 16" and send to the person under us on the list. Then each of the rest of the ladies as they get it add a border of 5-9". After the last lady adds her border it is returned to the person that made the block. The borders are pieced or appliqued continuing the theme of the block. This photo doesn't do justice to the fabrics. This block is awesome (I think). Just wish I had more of the flag fabric and would make a quilt. Maybe do one using a pretty flower print instead. It goes together easy, works up quickly.

I have a small table that I had used in a breakfast area in another house and have it in my living room for a game table. I want to have several small quilt table toppers to use on it, having one special to each holiday.

I now have a start. How many holidays to go????

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