Quilting and/or Needlework Projects I'm working on, planning to work on and/or hoping to work on
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Fabric Stash
I have decided to make a pieced quilt for each child to fit their bed. The quilts (art) that I had first selected for each are more for wall hangings and after looking at them realistically I don't think I can add enough borders to make the fit their beds and still look nice. Also since several are the fusible machine applique I'm not sure how they would stand up to the constant use on a bed. SOOOO they will get two quilts hopefully. I have started to collect fabric and know I have enough for the oldest son's quilt, maybe enough for the oldest daughter. So now will when my bank account recovers from these last purchases, start the shopping, looking process for the right fabrics for youngest son and daughter.
I think with the stash I now have there is sufficient fabric for the Bonnet Girls quilt, and for the quilts I've selected for grandchildren that I haven't been able to find in BOM kits. I also have enough (I think) fabrics to make the From out of the Darkness in the black, grey, black on white fabrics, and enough red for the butterfly. I chose to make this out of cotton quilting fabrics, as they hopefully will be more durable. This pattern I'm adapting for a quilt for another granddaughter that loves horses. I have some fabric with small horse print that I think I can cut out and fuse similar to the butterflies on the smaller blocks. I have a larger horse print fabric that I think I can cut out a head and applique to the center block and maybe but a wreath of flower around the neck - this block is still in planning. I just bid on autumn fabrics for this quilt and hopefully will get the auctions for them on Ebay.
Now with all the enlarged stash, growing collection of BOM kits, I just need to get moved into my place so I can have the time and space to get these finished. About 40 more days till move day.
I started a ring bearer's CQ pillow top this past week. Have some of the patches attached and am doing this a bit different that other CQ blocks I've made. Instead of sewing down all the patches then adding the lace to the seams, I'm adding them as I go. Once I've sewn two patches together I cover that seam with the lace. This allows that the ends of the lace is under the next patch and sewn into that seam. I'm hoping it will make a neater look than having to turn under the ends, or open a seam to tuck in the end. I selected the thread for the embroidery, now to decide what stitches and flowers I'll embroidery in the patches. They will be Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery flowers using the EdMar threads. A new to me type of embroidery I discovered about 6 years ago and thoroughly enjoy both the stitching and the end result. To me it is one of the prettiest embroideries I've seen, and next I enjoy Crewel embroidery. I'm sure there are other types just as pretty, but these are two I've found I truely enjoy.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
My Current Project

This is a pattern I've decided to make the 4 sane pieced quilts for my children from. At present I have selected 3 of them to be of 3 colors and the fourth each large square to be of a different fabric (print or tone on tone) in the same color family. In each the Ohio stars forming the corner squares will be of same fabric as will all the sashing.
Her colors are pink and orange - colors of the sunset. I have a variety of silk and satin in white/off whites and will make a crazy quilt patch top embellishing with white bits of laces and trims and embroider with Brazilain Dimension Embroidery in her colors. I have pink, orange and white - with hints of gold braid trim for the edge of the pillow.
My second Weaver Fever quilt kit arrived from a shop in Canada yesterday. The two kits are of the same fabric and will go to two great granddaughters, I now have all the fabric or kits for my 6 great grandchildren's quilts. Once I get moved in my own place and get my sewing room set up will be able to get them cut out and start sewing them together. I think this will be a nice break from the hand applique needle-turn and/or the fusible machine applique process. I also think having a place to leave projects where I stop and return to them and just pick back up will allow me to finish much more. At the moment I take them out (getting them ready to sew on - takes some time), then when I stop sewing I need to put away (putting them away takes some time). When having my sewing room I can use that preparation and putting away time for sewing or something else, as it is now I consider it wasted time.
I have almost all the kits for the art quilts for my children and grandchildren I can find to purchase in BOM kit form. There are several I'll probably have to use my fabric stash and add to it to make them. I have the three peacemaker's calendar quilts of churchs, lighthouses and trains and think those won't be to hard to assemble from my stash. The "From out of the Darkness" new calendar quilt is mostly blacks, whites, greys and some red, and I have assembled a lot of fat quarters in those colors. I am going to try and make a similar quilt using autumn colors and appliqued small horses or horse heads for another granddaughter.
I have other patterns from Peacemaker's calendar quilts that are on the back burner to make for me someday, if I should be lucky and live long enough to finish what I have laid out for myself to do.
I finally have the border fabric in my possession to finish my Vintage Valentine quilt - now to finish the applique on the blocks. I have half of the smaller blocks appliqued, then there is the large center block. I was so extremely disappointed when I thought I couldn't get the same border fabric as the sample. To me that fabric framed the quilt top and made it special, more so then other's I'd seen done. There is another stripe in the fabric that I have another use for already - so it will not go to waste. But then no fabric ever goes to waste in a quilter's house, does it ?Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sat Jul 12
What have I accomplished in those 10 days. Not as much as I'd liked, but watching two lively energetic boy ages 4 1/2 and 3 does keep one busy, with not a lot of time to do things I want to.
I did manage to shop on EBay and find some good buys for fat quarters - in fact a lot. Some to use on sane quilts for my children, some to use in my Bonnet Girls blocks for a granddaughter's quilt, and others just because I liked them and will find a use later.
I also traced all the Bonnet Girl patterns to Freezer Paper but two. Used the entire box of 75 sq yards or 16.5 feet - saw the 75 yds and thought that was lenght - was wrong. Anyway it was a lot of tracing. Also did the blocks I have for County Journal (chickens), and Summer's End (dogs). Now to cut them all out and iron to fabric, then cut out the fabric and store in gallon zip-lock baggies. Then I can start the sewing process. Hopefully before July ends.
Sharon B has on her blog stitch a Tuesday where she lists a different stitch for each Tuesday for a year. I've added the link to my blog and hope to spend some time in the next several months practicing some of those stitches given. In scanning through a few, I've done them before, but more practice is always good and I'm sure I'll find some new stitches that I've seen not tried, or that I've tried and didn't do so well at.
Yesterday I bought some Steam A Seam fusible to do the fusible patterns with. Not nearly enough to do all the blocks I have to make, but a start. I have several traced on another brand I got at Wal-Mart - Heat and Bond lite. So will compare the results and use the one that is the best. Which may mean I have to retrace what I have done already. Have a couple of little projects that I traced of a spay of flowers from one of the blocks to make for these 2 boys. Will do one in Heat and Bond lite the other in Steam A Seam and compare. Hopefully there won't be enough difference to matter which I use.
In the shipment of fabrics already received from EBay were a number of pillow top blocks with photos of animals. Kyron had voiced his desire for a quilt of animals. There are 2 blocks of each animal with a different pose. So the boys will have quilts with same animals and arrangement on different pictures - so they can tell them apart. Since for the most part they still share a room having almost alike quilts will look good on their beds.
Time to stop typing and get to tracing if I ever hope to finish these quilts. Still have one quilt I'm undecided what to use for a theme. He collects clowns and had thought of making one with clowns, but the patterns are not realistic of the type of clown I like, at least those I've found so far. Also, thought of patriotic colors as he was in Army and worked a lifetime career in Civil Service. So for this one I'm still searching for the just right pattern.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Within the next several days I'll have new BOMs for Country Journal, Summer's End, and Forgotten Farms to trace along with more to trace on fusible (which I haven't started yet). I have In Full Bloom, Spring is in the Air, Storybrook Farm, Sea Breeze to trace to fusible. Then I have all the patterns on freezer paper to cut out, iron to fabric and cut out allowing seam allowance. I'll cut the fusible a bit bigger than the pattern and iron to the wrong side of fabric then cut along the pattern line so that the edge will be well fused.
Once all are cut out I'll collect by block in gallon Ziplock baggies until I'm ready to assemble the blocks. Most of my fabric is in storage, so those I have to select fabric for will have to wait to start in September when I've moved into my own place and got everything unpacked. I have collected some fabric while here and think I have enough selection to work on a couple of the bonnet girl blocks. I'm anxious to see them together. They are larger blocks than I've worked on before 22" x 30". I'm planning on using 8 blocks 2x4 to make a quilt for a granddaughter. I've put the photos side by side without sashing and like the look on paper. Will see how it works out in real blocks.
Also need to cut out the pattern for the next 4 paper doll dress blocks, so I can get those cut out and started. I now have enough of the fabric I'm using for the backgrounds of each block. It is 2 fabrics, same print tone on tone one in pale pink the other pale green. Still haven't decided what fabric to use for frames of the blocks or the sashing, I do have the fabric selected for the corner stones but that could change after selection of frames and sashing fabrics.
I see lots of sewing, lots of work, but now that I have lots of the fabrics I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Playing Kindergarten
I traced onto freezer paper all the BOM Country Journal, Summer's End and Forgotten Barns, 11 blocks in all. Tomorrow hopefully I'll get them cut out ironed to fabric and cut out again, then ready to applique in place.
I have several blocks of the other quilts but need more fusible before I can trace them. Will pick some up at the local quilt store tomorrow, and have some in shipment from an online store, they had it in yardage from a bolt rather than in packages.
Also, selected fabric for my Bonnet Girls block, Think I'll do the one with the two standing on a varanda or porch. I'd though about the one with the girl in a swing but the porch roof is not of the right perspective and right now don't want to deal with fixing it - maybe later.
I'm collecting fabric (have some rock and building prints in shipment) to make the ones with bonnet girls and her lambs and ducks or geese (don't remember which).
The Bonnet Girls parts to the blocks are large enough that I'll do them as hand applique, as is the method used for Summer's End, Country Journal and Forgotten Farms (not barns).
Hopefully within the next week or so I plan to cut out a couple of the sane quilts I have. I'm anxious to see Weaver Fever finished. Also, hope budget will allow the purchase of a couple more using the poinsetta red fabrics and probably the fuschia one.
Was able to find some good bargins on EBay for some Fat Quarters that are now in shipment. Hopefully enough to make the sane quilt for Jimmy, Cherryl and Carlene. Haven't decided which one I want to make for Rusel.
I want to make a dear friend on of a clown and haven't found any patterns of clowns that I like.
If I can keep the ball rolling with the accomplishments I made today these quilts will be made before I know it. It is the dry spells of accomplishment in between that slows the process.
In Sept when I get my own place, I'll have room for my sewing and I'm so looking forward to that time. I know the unpacking and organization will take some time, but the end result will be so rewarding. Sew to hearts content when I want to stop, leave, close the door and it is all just as I left it when I return. Ideal for me. One Bedroom is on the Eastern side with lots of nice windows for lots of good natural lighting. Other bedrooms have a Southern Exposure which should allow for open windows and good breeze a lot of the time.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Good Morning
Anyway I'm fit and fine again. Yesterday the mailman delivered several new BOM blocks for about 6 quilts. That stack is growing.
I have the crown pattern to finish the birthday dress block for Madison's paperdoll dress quilt. I have the material to make the dress made from a pillow case, and most of the material for the other dresses of hers I have photos of. Need to get the material for the watermelon applique on the one, and pony beads to make the cherries on the other.
I've reserved a duplex to move to in September. Nice large 4 bedroom, 2 full baths, large living, dining and kitchen with breakfast area, utility and lots of closets. It is same rent as I've been paying for 2 bedroom much much smaller. I'm excited. I feel I was lucky to find it and it be vacant when I needed it.
It will be so nice to have a room to arrange for my quilting/needlework project and stash. Set up my sewing machine and serger, work on a project and when I want to stop leave it, close the door and it will be just as I left it when I'm ready to work on it again.
It will also be nice to have room for family to sleep when they come to visit. Haven't had that in quite awhile. Plenty of closets to store things, and with a room for all my quilting/needlework stash can get organized where I can see and find what I have. Once I do I'm sure I'll find lots of duplicate fabric and tools.
Plenty of room for family gatherings, something I treasure and really enjoy. Nothing to me is more fun than spending half the night cooking for a family gathering the next day.
I've been gypsy by choice for a few years. Probably wasted quite a bit of $$ moving but did what I wanted to, went where I wanted, when I wanted to. Now that is out of my system time to get in a place and park myself for years to come. I thought about buying but then I'd have to worry about repairs if something broke, couldn't pay for it in the lifetime I have left. So decided renting was a better way for me to go.Well I'm off to play with my new BOM kits that arrived yesterday. Putting them with the BOMs that came before. Need to go shopping tomorrow and buy some Steam A-Seam or some Misty ?? fusible and get the patterns traced. Have plenty of Freezer paper for those that will use that method. Have 3 mailings coming of building material print and rocks for the Bonnet Girls. Seems when you collect your own fabric for these blocks, you are always short of something. Hopefully with my shopping notebook of swatches of material I have and selected for each block, I will be able to get everything to finish at least one.
Have a great rest of the weekend.